"If we lived like we sang the world would be a different place"

Monday, September 27, 2010

"i'm not sinless, but i can sin less"

is what was spoken to me the other night...

realizing how fallen i really am, how much of a sinner i am.... and how much grace i'm under/need...

"we're not sinners because we sin, we sin because we're sinners"

God in His perfect love decided to break that pattern of sin in my life by sacrificing His only loved son... would i do the same? probably not. probably wouldn't know how~

every day, we live by His grace... and everyday His mercies are new, praise the Lord =)

last week i went up to "prayer mountain" with my Discipleship classmates & co =)
it was a blessing and God's voice always becomes that much more audible up there...

that's why i'm going again this Sat =)

also met up w P.Steph and Kev~ love those crazy guys~ "MOO GOO GAI PAN"!

we meet every Thurs to evangelize, getting the gospel in peoples hands... being held accountable to spreading His word and the good news of Christ.

i praise the Lord for crossing our paths, if it weren't for em... i wouldn't be standing here today. GLORY TO GOD =)

and if it weren't for my brothers P.Sang, David and EMC fam, i wouldn't be able to kneel and humble myself before God understanding grace.

God has been so good to me this year, 2010.... what a monumental year.

the Lord has truly provided thus far, here i raise my Ebenezer.

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—" Eph 2:8


Song of the Day : "Nothing In This World" by Tim Hughes

Nothing in this world
no treasure man could buy
could take the place of drawing near to you
theres nothing i want more
than to spend my days with you
dwelling in your secret place of praise

and oh how i need i need you
jesus i need you
you are the one that satistifes
you are the one that satisfies

so place within my heart
a fire that burns for you
that waters cannot quench nor wash away
and let that fire blaze
through all eternity
where one day i shall see you face to face


Thursday, July 29, 2010

*Little Moments*

....is the theme of month.... big moments are great, but it's the little moments that get u there.

so what happened since April 27th?
well in short,

Basileia '10 happened
Challenge '10 happened
Philippines Missions '10 happened
Officially in my own place in 2010 happened.

new aspirations, new beginnings, new goals, new bills.....

change. monumental, feeble.

this morning i woke up at 4:30 AM in my new place, and went to Astoria PArk, which is right next to my place.
caught the sunrise, and i sit there reminiscing on His faithfulness...PSalms 77, psalms 119, MAtthew 6, Isaiah 61 rushing through my mind onto the paper.

Philippines fresh on my mind. EMC Dagupan. EMC International. Tita Virgi and fam. Davidtol, Shem, Pastor Ferdi, Youth Explosion, Mayor Lim, wake.....

i miss it so very much

"my guide is reliable and my mission is clear", is what im focusing my mindset to be.

worship in the Philippines w EMC Dagupan was not only free but freeing.

they've taught me so much and showed me even more, what worship in spirit and truth looks like apart from the bondages of being an American or what worship looks like in America.

with nothing to lose and everything to gain whereas in the states it's the opposite.

we hold onto so many materialistic things here in the states its hard to let them go and follow Christ.

financial stability, promotion, position, popularity, etc...

Basileia taught me to let go....
Challenge taught me to give...
Philippines taught me how to receive...how to live.

i know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purposes.

i've had Christians support me, and even non-believers extend love and financial support towards me.... and their investment or giving has not come back void.

as i come back into the states and am bombarded with new challenges, temptations, opportunities... my "mission" becomes more clear.

i was not made for here.

Worship + Justice = purpose/mission.

i don't know how long the Lord will have me here, but until then.... i pray not for success, but for faith....
i'm a servant before i'm a leader...
i'm a sinner before i think i am holier than thou.
i'm loved by a King and so is he/she/them/they.

encouraged by a sister in Christ who was encouraged by the word of God:

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go"


Basileia Band or as we like to call ourselves, B2. (B Squared) =)

Challenge 2010 Worship Team

3 way tug of war!

China Airline food... pretty good.
one of the breakfast, not the best but it did the job.... might've been real...dog?
yellow cab pizza~ amazing pizza!

Beautiful Baguio City (where the krns roll)

Children's Crusade in Tombor
Covenant Ceremony (Marriage Ceremony btw EMC New York & EMC Dagupan)


Sunday Worship at EMC Dagupan (outdoor church with a tent for shelter during rainy season)
Youth Explosion 7/16/10 @ the Astrodome in Dagupan City
700 souls for an audience of 1.

$0.50 Jeepney, comparable to NY's MTA... but cheaper....and smaller?
weary from the field

$1 Tricycles (cab), get's you from point A to point B, i'm gunna miss these.
LECHON!!! yum =)
classroom evangelism at Luzon University
Philippines Mission Team 2010! we'll meet again! holla

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

*Jehovah Jireh*

blogspot oh blogspot, where fore art thou oh blogspot.

finally finding some time to blog =)

here and there are the provisions of God illuminating and making evident the will of God in my life.

From financial to residential, God has been so good, so great, so amazing and yet, i can never be thankful enough.

working towards my degree in my fortress of solitude, room of enlightenment. =)

many many things happening, not happening.... sympathizing with my dear old Pastor Stephen and King David, "time is fleeting, and man whithers as the grass..." or as he would say "my knees are going man...."

anticipating the summer time and end of my semester.

God will be using me Basilea 2010 on the worship team and for Challenge 2010 as well! exciting times... praying God will keep me focused and humble.

Leading worship at a youth rally @ a Stadium of thousands in the Philippines mission 2010 for the month of July also~ this is crazy.

out of millions, God chooses me. This is crazy.

i'm praying God will keep me bold and confident and unashamed.

which leads me to my last thought.

im praying the Lord will help me be bold enough to be more effective on my campus. To reach out and undignified in pursuit of planting seeds, preaching the gospel, spreading the news, that Jesus is alive!

my prayers and hope is to yell this out and live out loud this statement:

Found among his papers in Zimbabwe after he was martyred

I'm a part of the fellowship of the unashamed. The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I'm a disciple of His and I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away, or be still.
My past is redeemed. My present makes sense. My future is secure. I'm done and finished with low living, sight walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, mundane talking, cheap living, and dwarfed goals.
I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I don't have to be right, or first, or tops, or recognized, or praised, or rewarded. I live by faith, lean on His presence, walk by patience, lift by prayer, and labor by Holy Spirit power.
My face is set. My gait is fast. My goal is heaven. My road may be narrow, my way rough, my companions few, but my guide is reliable and my mission is clear.
I will not be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, deluded or delayed.
I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice or hesitate in the presence of the adversary. I will not negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity.
I won't give up, shut up, or let up until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid up, and preached up for the cause of Christ.
I am a disciple of Jesus. I must give until I drop, preach until all know, and work until He comes. And when He does come for His own, He'll have no problems recognizing me. My colors will be clear!

I miss my fake niece.....
Pastor Stephen's DAughter with PAstor Jae's Son
(Faith & Jeremy)
this is prophecy btw. (lol!)

imiss this crazy guy.

(prayin for ya homefry. c u soon... on da courts! =)


Pictures of my room in College Pt.



My Closet

First Big Sam Gyp Sal Dinner. holla =)
uhm, This is Jack.

and these are JAck's forsaken fish =(

Some things on my wall =)

this completes my room. =)

with love, peace, and joy.... Glory in the highest. 1

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"New Seasons"

So many past events went down, events goin on, and events about to go down~ haven't had time to blog about it, or in general really.

but i will always find some time to blog something somewhere =)

so to sort of recap of where im at in my life in a blog would be difficult per se... but on my heart lies the trivialities yet significant nonetheless issues of man.... such as moving out, graduation, bible class, worship team, girlfriend.

at my church, EMC, we always have a year's theme, this year deriving from MAtthew 28 on the great commission and "challenge"ing the next generation to reach out, evangelize and make disciples~

at the beginning of 2010 i attended PASSION 2010 conference in ATL, GA, twas SICK~

i went into that conference expecting to be blown away esp by the stardom lineup~ i mean wow!
Tomlin, Redman, Crowder, Fee, United, Stanfill, Charlie etc.....i mean as a worship leader this is a dream lineup~ i was more excited to hear all of them at the same place for a week than i was for John Piper, Louie Giglio, Francis Chan, Andy Stanley giving us talks~ and that in itself is still an awesome lineup!

but it hit me on the last night, at the last hour..... not with the 20,000 + students that were there worshipping and lifting the name of Christ... but with just my friend and me.... in the white room, or the prayer room.... summing up what had just happened in the past week and what God has been pressing on our hearts*

a dim white room with candle lighting with enough space to lay down, kneel, bow and accomodate 30 people at the same time along with the aroma of candles burning.... you felt peace, you felt war, you felt like you needed to do something, now.

the best part, was the middle of the room...... all posture focused towards the center, there stood an old rugged cross, beaming in white and in love.....

sometimes i'm consumed by circumstances and surroundings of my life that i forget the center piece of it all, the thing that holds my life together, the one thing that i can be 100% sure of.... the cross of Christ.

if there are things in life that DIMINISH or CHEAPEN the work or the view of the cross of Christ in our lives~
friends.... we gotta get rid of it, do something about it and stop complaining...

this year's theme for me revolves around SURRENDER & GLORY.

that in surrender my decisions, choices, circumstances will always be made or seen in light of eternity and purposed for the GLORY OF GOD!

to God be all praise and honor and to God be the glory....


"My God is Bigger than Life" musical
"We Come With Joy" Winter Musical
New Wave Band w/ Starfield =)
Birthday luv @ EMC
Amanda luv on 23rd =)

here i raise my Ebenezer =)