"If we lived like we sang the world would be a different place"

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"New Seasons"

So many past events went down, events goin on, and events about to go down~ haven't had time to blog about it, or in general really.

but i will always find some time to blog something somewhere =)

so to sort of recap of where im at in my life in a blog would be difficult per se... but on my heart lies the trivialities yet significant nonetheless issues of man.... such as moving out, graduation, bible class, worship team, girlfriend.

at my church, EMC, we always have a year's theme, this year deriving from MAtthew 28 on the great commission and "challenge"ing the next generation to reach out, evangelize and make disciples~

at the beginning of 2010 i attended PASSION 2010 conference in ATL, GA, twas SICK~

i went into that conference expecting to be blown away esp by the stardom lineup~ i mean wow!
Tomlin, Redman, Crowder, Fee, United, Stanfill, Charlie etc.....i mean as a worship leader this is a dream lineup~ i was more excited to hear all of them at the same place for a week than i was for John Piper, Louie Giglio, Francis Chan, Andy Stanley giving us talks~ and that in itself is still an awesome lineup!

but it hit me on the last night, at the last hour..... not with the 20,000 + students that were there worshipping and lifting the name of Christ... but with just my friend and me.... in the white room, or the prayer room.... summing up what had just happened in the past week and what God has been pressing on our hearts*

a dim white room with candle lighting with enough space to lay down, kneel, bow and accomodate 30 people at the same time along with the aroma of candles burning.... you felt peace, you felt war, you felt like you needed to do something, now.

the best part, was the middle of the room...... all posture focused towards the center, there stood an old rugged cross, beaming in white and in love.....

sometimes i'm consumed by circumstances and surroundings of my life that i forget the center piece of it all, the thing that holds my life together, the one thing that i can be 100% sure of.... the cross of Christ.

if there are things in life that DIMINISH or CHEAPEN the work or the view of the cross of Christ in our lives~
friends.... we gotta get rid of it, do something about it and stop complaining...

this year's theme for me revolves around SURRENDER & GLORY.

that in surrender my decisions, choices, circumstances will always be made or seen in light of eternity and purposed for the GLORY OF GOD!

to God be all praise and honor and to God be the glory....


"My God is Bigger than Life" musical
"We Come With Joy" Winter Musical
New Wave Band w/ Starfield =)
Birthday luv @ EMC
Amanda luv on 23rd =)

here i raise my Ebenezer =)