This past weekend was great~ !
had an awesome time with Agape Mission Church @ Keswick (one of the best retreat centers yet)
& i'm blessed to have shared those moments with the fam, suchas this:
(during our morning devotionals... :D)
as u can probably tell, my sleep schedule has been altered and Monday started @ 11 AM for me... -__-;;
the guest speaker Pastor Isaac spoke on discipleship, which has been an ongoing theme for AMC these past couple of months.
every Christian asks themselves, "Is discipleship an extreme or expected aspect of Christianity?",
what this means to me.... is the question, "does being a follower of Christ require deep sacrifices/decisions or not?"
and i would say, "of course!"
to me, it's both extreme and expected~
as C.S. Lewis states:
"Christianity, if false, is of no importance,
and if true, of infinite importance.
The only thing it cannot be is moderately important"
as followers of Christ, we are called to make the hard decisions for God and make sacrifices and even suffer for Him,
"However, if you suffer as a Christian,
do not be ashamed,
but praise God that you bear that name."
1 Peter 4:16
what an awesome truth.
being a disciple of Christ goes beyond checking off the title "Christian" on a census religion question,
but actively being fed the world-changing word of God and applying it into a world that needs change... whether it's your own world or someone else's.
discipleship is both extreme & expected, do something about it.