"For you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable,
through the living and enduring word of God."
1 Peter 1:23
This year's Challenge was themed around the basis of IDENTITY and Pastor Austine Cho did a great job expositing or exposing or shedding light on scripture and kept the gospel centered and rooted in his messages. I was so relieved that Challenge had finally found a pastor who was gospel centered and whom the kids were engaged to.
God knows that this generation needs more than fluff and comical preaching (altho pastor Austine did scream alot and thus trailing much saliva onto my mic, which was in need of some heavy lysol afterwards o_O)
it was probably one of the smaller Challenges i've been to since my first in '09, but i think it added to the intimacy w one another and w the Lord as well (not to mention it being 4 days 3 nights!)
it's always been a blessing to serve @ Challenge & it will always have a special place in my heart.
the difficult part is the "what now" aspect.... the "afterwards" effect..... what do we do now that Challenge is over.
The spiritual roller coaster of our lives is definitely full of make or break moments, and i only pray that itll only make us stronger and break the chains of bondage and not our relationship w God.
this is a picture of our staff meeting.
we prayed for souls by name and lifted up the concerns and issues @ Challenge.
listening to the testimonies of the campers and the prayers of the staff, we were able to see Aromi come to Christ! (after 3 challenges!) we were able to see people rededicate and commit and invest in this relationship w Christ. We saw students who harbored alot of pain and suffering from their past, able to relinquish the condemnation of inadequacy, insufficiency, inability, incapacity, etcc that the enemy would throw....Christ had lifted that burden and brought about new desires and a new heart to love God.

as long as they continue to invite me back to Challenge, i will do what i can to be a part of this movement of believers, if anything, pray for them and hope for the best.
We're called to be light in a darkening world and salt to its bitterness.
As i'm preparing to goto the Philippines this month, i'm praying God would "grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."