"If we lived like we sang the world would be a different place"

Thursday, November 13, 2008

"Too Much Trouble"

Current Song:        Current mood:
"TOO MUCH TROUBLE"     relieved   
by yours truly,
(song in playlist below)

yessur, relieved that this week is OVA! nearly......

this week had been full of struggles lost and battles won.... but the ultimate victory in this war belongs to Jesus...  mmm, a reminder that'll keep u going... it continues to keep me =)

was listening to a sermon taken from Colossians by John Piper from Passion '06, on how as Christians we are CALLED and should EXPECT to suffer for His name and His glory, "how our suffering glorifies the greatness of the grace of God"

it really seems to be the theme of this year~ def for a reason, think about it.

as i was listening to the reality of the message, it brought me back to "Standfast '08: Living Hope" with my beloved DEM.

which themed around the question of, "how can we as Christians use our sufferings to glorify a sovereign God and display a message of hope?"...or rather, "how can we display hope in the midst of our hard(est) times?"

this week, i've been suffering with exams and papers (which i give praise to God in which i received an A on :)
also with the burden of greed, lust, and idolatry.

things i put before God.

you realize these burdens once u put on that eternal perspective that Pastor Stephen spoke about last Sunday. That once the resurrected Christ dwells in us, our minds are of the things above...not below.

I may be a spiritual leader to some, but that doesn't make me holier than thou........ just someone who's been around the block a couple of times, knowing and experiencing victory in the power of Jesus name and as a child of God, understanding what that means.... progressively or exponentially.

sharpened each time the discipline of God comes around.... more broken than the last.

i would be lying if i told you i don't get tempted but blessed to know the power that overcomes or overcame for that matter.

"15Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. 16But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life." -1 Tim 1:15-17

broken my Lord's heart so many times, and yet He bestows his favor upon me....daily.

to give him my terrestrial body is the least i can do, it's the least WE can do.... for a God who gave His life for us .... and more.

my challenge to those who've read up to here:

admit the inadequacy of your own heart putting aside self-righteousness and recommit to holy living, glorifying the giver of life... remembering God during the good times and displaying His hope in the troubled times.


TGS will be playing its first gig at Saemoon church in Woodside, Queens~ this Sat.
y'all are welcome to come and show some love ;)
otherwise, i hope u keep us in prayer as well as the youth that night.

(one of our members is missing from this, lol... still got love for u Sang ;)

(ne1 else think this would make a great tshirt?lol) -_-;;

interested in supporting us and want to buy our EP? ~ hollatme! =)
what would Jesus do?

1 comment:

Stephen Kim said...

"I may be a spiritual leader to some, but that doesn't make me holier than thou........ just someone who's been around the block a couple of times, knowing and experiencing victory in the power of Jesus name and as a child of God, understanding what that means.... progressively or exponentially."

True that. I like that.