my thanksgiving week was......... gratifying.
had the traditional thanksgiving dinner at my aunt's crib in Jersey~ (always gotta have that one relative with the big house and the big dinners, namsayin!)
what i cherished about that night was when it was over...
after all the turkey and mash potatoes one can digest... (and what's a korean thanksgiving dinner w/o kimchi)......................when the night was over, i had driven my sisters home. which when i had come to drop off my youngest 1, we had a good talk... a spiritual sort.
how thankful, yet broken hearted i was afterwards.
the conversation started when she asked me, "John, why don't you date?"
and so how do I, in a non-righteous tone... explain the concept of purity and soulmates?
I may have come off as a Jesus freak or fanatic.... but hey, Jesus suffered much more than silly titles.
at the end, i let her know... that God doesn't love me more than her... but really wants to have a relationship with her as well.
for me.... family is the hardest mission field, yet the most rewarding.
i continue to fast and pray in Jesus name, to see them saved... and i have faith they will come to know the Lord one day, how do u know u ask? cause the bible tells me so ;)
"Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household."-Acts 16:31
a promise i've held since 2006.... and it's given to every believer!
i understand we all may have our own hardships when it comes to family, some harder than others.... or others more than some.....
but i'm more than convinced but have experienced and have become made an example of the revolutionizing power of the blood of Christ.
where's there's a will there's a way =)
believe that ur life is pre-ordained and follow His will.... and ull come to realize, that "when God is for us, who then can be against us?"
remaining faithful, and remembering victory in the name of Jesus.
getting a bit preachy now, lol.
but hey, this year.... although i may not have the perfect family, i am thankful for them..... and i have faith that one day, they too will be eternity. =)
"Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save,
nor his ear too dull to hear" -Isaiah 59:1
some thanksgiving week pictures with my other family.... DEM! HOLLA!
the sisters.... (Jessica and her fobby pose)
brotherly torture? (i've taught u well young grasshopper) lol
i don't remember this, but thought it lookd funny enough to put up
watching WALLLL-EEEE
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful." - Col 3:15
HAHA is that wrestling move with your DEM kids the one that Anthony taught you >:] Very funny.
JP I haven't seen you for.. more than a week, or maybe even TWO. What the heck yo, have you been hiding? >:O
Glad you had a great thanksgiving.
Have a great week bro, stay an encouragement :)
DEM DEM DEM~!!!! awesome thanksgiving that was... good times!
family is absolutely one of the hardest mission fields out there. keep soldiering on and one day... AMEN! =)
Don't lose hope. At times of dismay, reflect on how far God has brought you until now. Faithful is the author and finisher of your faith.
it is really hard for me to have my family saved too and it's the hardest out of all to explain to them about Jesus and what I believe in for some reason, but I too, someday believe that they will be thankful and will get to know God like we do =]
Stay an encouragement, like Joan said.!
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