"If we lived like we sang the world would be a different place"

Friday, March 27, 2009

"Here We Go"

Going to be spending the weekend over at a brother's house from church.

a guys fellowship. our last. atleast for while.

my hopes to attain the "Fellowship of Believers" modeled for us in Acts 2:42.

it's gunna be awesome to spend time with these guys.

and much beyond being students, i consider them brothers in the faith who need as much uplifting as you and i.

it's gunna be a bit heartwrenching for me, having to leave some of them.

but as teacher, gotta hold my own and praise the GOD who gives and takes away, who knew us before we were born, who holds the whole world in His hands, who has everything in control.

D.E.M., you are His beloved... and mine as well.

"How good and pleasant it is
when brothers live together in unity!"
Psalms 133:1

pray for us.

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