"If we lived like we sang the world would be a different place"

Sunday, April 19, 2009

*Spring Break*

my spring break was refreshing.

bit too lackadaisical perhaps? yet productive in its own way :)

classes begin tomorrow, and I'm just reflecting on what's been happening past few days or weeks and felt like blogging this beautiful Sunday morning.

spent some time w/ God and meditating on my QT, which was so crazy... i want u guys to see for yourself, check it.

"It is in the aftermath of a great spiritual event that the least likely things begin to have an effect. They may not be forceful or dominant, but they are there. And if you are not careful to be forewarned, they will trip you. You have remained true to God under great and intense trials---now beware of the undercurrent".

it's true, to beware of the least likely temptations.

we can be spiritually uplifted at times but sometimes the little things can bring us down ever so gently or profoundly.

speaking of being spiritually uplifted, I just came back from a youth retreat at Ebenezer Mission Church (EMC). This was the church i considered my Queens church as i was serving in New JErsey at Diaspora.

I wasn't sure if EMC was going to be my home church, but it seems God has been opening doors for me there. 
a small group of us, about 15, 20 incl leaders.
I was given the privilege to lead worship for the youth there. And it was at Christian Academy, where DEM had "Standfast II: Living Hope".... talk about walking down memory lane.

It was good.

i led small group with my sister Joan, and the kids were great. So much potential and innocence with these guys, i just pray God would help me lead them towards Him in all of their different struggles and issues..... it felt like DEM all over again.

a portion i really enjoyed was this "Pathway of Meditation" CA had, which i never saw, which i wish i did.

but this pathway helped me remember who i am in God's eyes and who God is in my own, and how often we forget....

the prayer of my life, is to fully surrender my all to Him....

"God, b with me as i desire to serve you, your kingdom, your people. With all these transitions and changes, help me to be reliant on what your will is, not mine. Be w/ Pastor Stephen as he is transitioning and as he is being led by You. May he surrender and submit himself to where You lead him and how You lead him....and yea... even when You lead him. Be with Esther as she is searching.... help her to be sensitive to the Spirit and find her place in the sanctuary you want her in, keeping You in the center of her choices. God, please be w/ the kids of DEM, that they would continue to quench their thirst in You and not anything else....to continue in the heart of worship. 
May You Kingdom come and will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Use us.

bible verses as you walk along.... wow.

1 comment:

LifeintheEyesoftheLord said...

that's sooo nice! iwish i saw that 3 years ago when i was there!! i loved that place..was my favorite place out of all of them =D ..worst memory tho lols.

well may God just lead you to where you should be, and do more for his will hehe ..you'll have a blessed time at Challenge , no doubt, i know i always do! =]