"If we lived like we sang the world would be a different place"

Sunday, May 17, 2009

"Problem of Pleasure"

So today, got to see Mr. RAVI ZACHARIASSS at Brooklyn Tabernacle church and let me just say....... wow.

i took notes to the best of my ability, but the dudes lyrical capacity and substance for each point is..... beyond legible..... i was tryna taking notes at such a fast pace i was unable to read what i had wrote down, heh.

ne way,

as small of a paper i had~ i did my best to get some points down, peep.

"Problem of Pleasure"
Dr. Ravi Zacharias

1-Anything that refreshes you w/o diminishing or distracting you from your final goal, is a legitimate pleasure.
                     -illustration from Judges of the 300 soliders

take time to write down -->"What is the mission statement of your life?"

2-Any pleasure that jeopardizes the sacred right of another (life of another) is an illicit pleasure.
                    -your calling (no matter what it is) will test you character.

3-Too much of any pleasure, however good or kept in balance, will distort reality or destroy appetite.

Proverbs 25:16
"If you find honey, eat just enough— 
       too much of it, and you will vomit."

Conclusion 1: all pleasure must be bought at the price of pain
    2: Meaninglessness does not come from being weary of pain but from pleasure.
    3: The closer you get to pure pleasures, the closer you get to the heart of God; the further you get to impure pleasures, the further you get from God.
    4: True intimacy touches your heart & soul.

of course Ravi expounds much more than noted here, but basically sometimes we're always worried about the problem of pain... we look past the problem of pleasure.... which is just as great an issue.

sometimes we get too comfortable and sometimes we just don't care....

don't waste your life....


May 23rd, 2009, Saturday; 7 p.m.

1 comment:

Paul Han said...

i'm just loving the rap, and the whole album. =]
cool sermon! must've sounded exquisite and stuff.. yea... XD