"If we lived like we sang the world would be a different place"

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


this was a shot taken @ Basileia 2011 that i took w my camera phone (not bad eh? :)
we laid down our crowns b4 the throne of grace and written inside were the things that were holding us back from doing so.... (apologies to the privacy of this person)

but i felt that this was a great depiction of what everyday looks like for me.....

in this new season of transitions, i'm constantly learning to give things away to God and for God, ultimately for His glory.

my last Sunday @ EMC was about 2 Sundays ago and it was of course, bittersweet.
my EMC family will always be taken w me wherever i go, how could we separate? i live with 2 EMCers..... HA!

i shared a song i'd written 2 days prior to its debut called, "Epitome", which spoke about the things in this world u can or can not control, but nonetheless our God is the epitome of everything, not ourselves.

& so we exist for greater things than ourselves...

this past weekend, i invited the NWB to come over to my humble yet cozy place...
the NWB have always had a special place in my heart, and these guys have done so much to make my experience @ Ebenezer a blessing... including a thick skin!
they will always have a special place in my heart :)



a 2010 photo will come soon, but not here right now.....

ne how,

my new family Agape Mission Chapel, AMC.... go figure.... EMC to AMC -__-;;
we recently had a revival night on the 19th, August... & it was truly an amazing night of worship

and i was super happy my EMC family came to join me :)

i was able to grow relationships & bonds w the worship & leadership team, & enjoy some MAPO GALBI wit em, probably one of the best Galbi's ive tasted, its' that serious!

i am truly anticipating how God will move in this next season w AMC, 
for God's glory, les do this!

so many transitions happening in my life right now, it's ridiculous.
i'm having trouble carrying different burdens, preparing for a new season, school, work, family, girlfriend....

this is Amanda, my girlfriend for alittle over 2 years~
we've been through ups and downs and she has been such a blessing and example of God's love and provision in my life!
im unworthy....

we decided we'll b parting ways (for now) to focus on our relationship w God & the ministries He's placed us to serve in, whether church, campus, school or family...

she was my first relationship after coming to Christ & she has spurred me on to claim the man of God He's prepared(ing) me to be, & i can only be thankful & humbled.


this last pensive picture of serenity was taken w my brothers in DR... it reminds me of new beginnings and a hopeful future.... ready for what the world has to throw @ me....

i know in the midst of storms, the anchor that holds is the wisdom of the cross....

"In this world you will have trouble. 
But take heart! 
I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33


Stephen Kim said...

An epic blog.

Renew your mind in God's word and you will become the man that God desires you to be.

Looking forward to the future and happy you are on board!

Joan said...

that's funny, i read the exact verse for my qt this morning. and, you and amanda are parting ways again for a while? can't believe its been over two years, crazy.

LifeintheEyesoftheLord said...

i was gonna say again ? lols..but thats great you guys are focusing on God..you guys are two wonderful child of God..you guys are perfect together =)..I miss you JP!! haha..its sad that you left us, but im happy to see see you go on to somewhere..where you belong and do his will..probably wont see u for a while so ..till then..ill be reading ur blogs =]]God bless :D